Aug 4, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

I often throw bottles of handsanitiser in the trash can, if there is one around. This stuff is toxic, doesn’t really do “the job” as it kills good bacteria as well as bad, causes skin rashes, dry cracked skin which can then become infected. Nope ain’t using the stuff and try to get others to USE THE SOAP.💕

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

I have acquired boxloads of free sanitiser since the Covidsheep mass psychosis era.

I mainly use them to aid in the lighting of my barbecues - they work brilliantly !

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I’ve heard it works good for that

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That is brilliant!!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

I told my kids to “ fake it” whenever they could and go to the school washroom instead to use soap and water.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

Good article linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I remember when the Covid "BS first started, I initially fell for some of the propaganda and was wiping off door knobs and light switches in our house. You would have thought that it was "death on contact" the way they presented everything. The plague reborrn. I soon wised up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

Years ago, when hand sanitizer first became available for the public, I caught my mom, in a public washroom, bypassing the sink and pulling hand sanitizer out of her purse. I had to explain to her that hand sanitizer was for situations where you had no soap and water, and that she should be washing her hands properly. She had assumed hand sanitizer was superior. I’m sure she’s not the only one.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

Makes me wonder if all this covid nonsense will ever end. What will the media do without all-things-covid to write about? Other than Trump all day every day of course :)

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Thank you for this critical information. I have dry hands to begin with, to the point that I doubt anything could survive on that barren desert, and hand sanitizers only compound it. I avoid it at all possibilities, and will now ask whether it contains methanol, and an “I don’t know” will be grounds to refuse.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

I havn't decided what to replace viruses with but I certainly no longer believe in them.

In regards to the doctors surgery thankfully mine has reverted back to the pre 2020 policy in regards to masks in the last few weeks. I think even some of the doctors there couldn't stand the previous policy on masks.

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It's funny being a non-believer in viruses still as you listen to somebody discussing a wedding that they went to where "Aunt Mavis" infected everyone. What with radical political ideas?

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

At stores, employees would force it on people's hands at the entryways. I would very openly wipe it off my hands on my skirt.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

I am more concerned about eColi than a cold virus! No idea whether hand sanitizer, which as with everything else medically newly invented over a span of a few months actually works, I doubt effectiveness!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

"However, articles reporting the lack of efficacy of hand sanitizer received very little recognition in the media."

Yep, but before the covid panic, those articles were everywhere. The subject was a perennial favorite among bored consumer reporters, right up there with sending stuff to a lab to prove that [fill in the blank: your kitchen counter, your toothbrush, your phone...] has more germs on it than a toilet seat.

Those pre-covid articles mocked the use of hand sanitizers, instructing us that to do any good at all you had to rub it in for 10 minutes and follow up with soap and water. "Hahaha, you dumb un-scientist rubes are still throwing your money away on hand sanitizer. Hahahahaha!"

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Very true!

That was also how news media dealt with masks pre-2020.

We now know from Mussouri vs Biden that there was coordination and cajoling from our federal government to push Covid policies.

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The only virus I observed that escaped Wuhan was Communism. We thought masks and sanitizer would save us, we lost our way....


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This was a very good article. I only wish that author Steve Templeton had indicated whether hand sanitizer has any value at all. For example, when there is no soap and water available, is it worth using? What about for bacterial infections that are transmitted by manual contact? In any case, keep writing, Dr. T.!

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