Apr 11Liked by Steve Templeton, PhD.

I'm so glad you spoke out Steve--it was well into 2022 by the time I started writing about this. Before that, I would argue on private Facebook groups (as you know) and with friends, but the negative reception I got was so frightening to me that I avoided any kind of public discourse. If everyone like me had behaved courageously like you, I wonder if we could have countered this COVID insanity that did so much damage.

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Congrats on the new book, Steve. I'm assuming your local independent book store won't stock it, so I hope everyone finds it elsewhere. I'm still amazed that "The Real Anthony Fauci" became a run-away international best-seller for many months with no reviews in any mainstream publication and very few brick and mortar book stores stocking the book.

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Emerging diseases = emerging fortunes. An amazing amount of new paint on a rotting structure is just that….a rotten structure. Follow the money….find the science. Sad indeed.

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